At ExpressBCP, we believe in giving back and doing our part for communities. We understand the unique challenges non-profit organizations face, and we’re committed to supporting the critical work you do. That’s why we’re excited to offer special non-profit pricing on our business continuity templates, making it easier for you to plan for the unexpected and keep your mission running smoothly.

Simply fill out the form below to let us know a bit about your organization, and we’ll be happy to give you access to our high-quality, easy-to-use templates at a reduced rate* We’re here to help you stay resilient, so you can focus on what matters most—making a positive impact!

Non-profit Application Form

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Enter the name of the Organization that is requesting Non-profit pricing.
Registered Address of Organization
Enter the relevant Government Registration ID number that will be verified by ExpressBCP Support Team.
Enter the Website of your non-profit organization.
Contact Email
Email Domain and Non-profit Website should match. Free Email addresses will be automatically rejected.
Contact Person
A quick check to make sure you are not a bot.

* ExpressBCP reserves the right to refuse non-profit pricing or the sale of templates to organizations based in sanctioned countries, or to certain industries or political organizations, in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.