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“Why Do Thousands of Businesses Trust Our Business Continuity Plan Template?”

Read On to Find Out Why our Business Continuity Plan Template is unique and popular…

Have your Business Continuity Plan ready to go in hours without spending thousands even tens of thousands of dollars. Create a comprehensive Business Continuity Plan without all the hard work.

Business Continuity Plan Template Screenshots

Everything you need (fully customizable to your business) to meet audit requirements (ISO 22301, Sarbanes-Oxley, ITIL, HIPAA, ISO 27001, NCUA/FFIEC, APRA CPS230, APRA CPS232, and more) is all in one place.

A business continuity plan template that is simple and easy to follow.

You’ll be delighted with the step-by-step instructions. It’s easy to understand.

This step-by-step ‘fill in the blanks’ business continuity plan template is guaranteed to save you time and thousands of dollars in consultancy fees.

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Satisfaction Guarantee

Limited time only $595 $297.50!

Just some of the benefits of using our template to create your business continuity plan:

  • An easy-to-use Microsoft Word® template – no training necessary!
  • Logical and simple to follow
  • Plenty of sample plan information, diagrams, flowcharts, and checklists!
  • Available for instant download – get started today
  • Easy-to-understand instructions – no experience required!
  • Free and unlimited support from expert business continuity consultants
  • No wasted time learning a complicated software package
  • Plenty of ‘Tips & Tricks’ are provided to help you finish your plan quickly
  • Meets compliance requirements
  • No surprise ongoing fees or support charges
  • Fully customizable
  • Save thousands of dollars in consultancy fees
  • The first and only template created by a Certified Business Continuity Vendor (DRII & BCI)
  • Zero Risk – 100% satisfaction money-back guarantee!

Express BCP is the Business Continuity Plan Template used by thousands of organizations…

Honeywell Logo
First Texas Bank
Sandisk Logo
Fox News
Penn State University

And for a very limited time, when you buy Express BCP we will give you the next templates as a FREE bonus:

  • Table-Top Exercise Plan Template
  • Business Impact Analysis Questionnaire Template
  • Threat and Risk Assessment Template
  • Test and Exercise Project Plan Template (Microsoft Project format)
  • Pandemic Business Continuity Plan Template
  • Business Continuity Management Policy and Guidelines Template

‘With our BCP Template, and the sample information included, you can Create a Professional Business Continuity Plan in less than one day!’

Easy-to-Use! All fields requiring your specific company information are easy to locate and we’ve included plenty of helpful tips and information making the template simple to use.

Here’s what Bob, CEO of TADWA, had to say about Express BCP:

The information and templates were perfect to suit our requirements as it was simply a matter of working through them and modifying them for our purposes, all achieved within a manageable and short timeframe.

TADWAs board, senior management team and I are now confident that should the need arise we have an effective disaster recovery plan in place, that would enable our organization to resume operations and services within a short period of time.

TADWA highly recommends the Express BCP package to any organization or company

Bob Whitaker – Chief Executive Officer Technology Assisting Disability WA (TADWA)

Express BCP is a Business Continuity template of the highest quality and will help you in meeting your organization’s administrative, operational, and compliance requirements.

Suitable for all industries:

  • Aerospace and Defence
  • Automotive and Transport Equipment
  • Banking
  • Chemicals
  • Computer Hardware
  • Computer Software and Services
  • Consumer Product Manufacturer
  • Construction
  • Energy
  • Financial Services
  • Food, Drink, and Tobacco Production
  • Health Products and Services
  • Insurance
  • Leisure
  • Manufacturing
  • Media
  • Mining
  • Non-Profit (contact us for special discounts)
  • Public Sector
  • Real Estate
  • Retailing
  • Telecommunications
  • Transport and Logistics
  • And More

Save time with the pre-formatted template; fill in the blanks and you’re ready to print!

Is your business one of the many that know they need a business continuity plan but have never had the resources or expertise to create one?

Do you already have a business continuity plan? Perhaps it’s out of date and you’re not sure it includes the right information?

Our template is your answer – step by careful step, word by word, paragraph by paragraph, and page by page, our template empowers you to plan for any crisis that your business suffers.

Instant Download – Get Started Now!

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Satisfaction Guarantee

You will enjoy that our plan is designed in a logical and flowing manner, with the plan containing Six parts that offer easy navigation, making it simple to update and keep as your business and business continuity requirements change over time.

Detailed text, samples, diagrams, flowcharts, checklists, and handy help information!

Here’s an overview of the Business Continuity Plan Template:

Part One: Make Sure You Get A Good Captain: Can you imagine a ship surviving a severe thunderstorm without a captain? Of course not. And it’s no different when your business is hit with a disaster.

That’s why this section is focused on defining roles, so you know exactly who has the authority to invoke the business continuity plan. (and who is second and third in command if that person is unavailable).

This gets rid of all the little decisions and ensures all the key people are clear on their roles and responsibilities in case of a disaster or crisis.

Part Two: Be prepared by understanding exactly what the plan is designed to do. What is included and what is excluded? What are the vulnerabilities of the plan, if any?

This section ensures the critical functions of the business continuity process are prioritized.

Part Three: Management Structure: Clearly define what everyone’s role is during an emergency in a detailed crisis management organizational chart.

Part Four: Immunize your business against chaos by clearly outlining what the essential and specific items are that everyone needs to do.

For example, the IT manager may need to send activate the backup systems at the recovery site. The CEO may be in charge of dealing with the media, someone else may be in charge of securing the disaster site, etc

Part Five: Automatically keep everyone focused and calm with precise process maps that walk you through the end-to-end process and the decision steps that need to be taken into consideration.

business continuity plan template disruption timeline

(One of the many diagrams from within the template)

Part Six: Project Plan Every Minute Step-By-Step: Who needs to redirect the customer inbound phone lines? Deal with the call center surge? Manage the media? Activate the recovery teams? Coordinate the command center (backup offices)? Who will make sure there are plenty of laptops, phones, desks, etc?

Can you see what sort of problems it would cause if you had no plan?

Part Seven: Step By Step Checklists including:

  • Contact List: So you have the contact details and phone numbers of everyone you need if a disaster occurs.
  • Backup Data: Ensuring your backup data is available and how to retrieve or access it quickly.
  • Work From Home / Alternative Office Setup: This ensures you can quickly get up and running in an alternative location, so you don’t lose thousands of dollars in wasted wages, lost customers, and downtime. It also ensures you have all the resources you need.
  • Media Crisis Management: Exactly how to manage the media and beat them at their own game, so they don’t embarrass your company and ruin your reputation.


  • Key Contact Details
  • Critical System Recovery
  • Retrieve Offsite/Backup Information and Data
  • Command Center Operations
  • Detailed IT Recovery Procedures
  • Detailed Telephony Recovery/Redirection Procedures
  • Media & Communication Management
  • Regulatory Compliance and Notification
  • Business Impact Analysis Process Guide
  • Event Logs
Screenshots of Business Continuity Plan Template

Free and super-fast support from experienced business continuity planning experts

We know that writing a plan can sometimes prompt some tricky questions, that’s why our certified business continuity planners are available (FOR FREE) to help you with all the support you ever need:

  • Simply pick up the phone and call us, or chat online.
  • Email us! – A fast reply seven days a week.
  • Detailed help information, tips, tricks, and samples throughout the templates.

We’ve spent 15 years perfecting our templates. Over 2000 companies are using this simple, practical, painless, and powerful template.

We are so confident that you’ll be more than satisfied with our business continuity plan template, we can offer this industry-leading and unequalled money-back guarantee:

  • No strings
  • No ifs, ands, or buts
  • No time limits
  • And NO questions asked!

We’ve taken away the hard work and developed a fast & simple way to create a Business Continuity Plan.

If you need a risk-free high quality disaster recovery and business continuity plan template that provides the processes, procedures, and guidance to handle a crisis and pass the most rigorous auditing requirements, this template is your solution!

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Instant Download – 50% Off and Six Bonus Templates

P.S. The current discount is for a strictly limited time.

Order now to make sure you don’t miss out!

  • Bonus #1 Threat and Risk Assessment Template
  • Bonus #2 Business Impact Analysis Template | UPDATED 2024
  • Bonus #3 Test & Exercise Project Plan Template
  • Bonus #4 Pandemic Business Continuity Plan Template | UPDATED 2024
  • Bonus #5 Table-Top Exercise Plan & Checklist Template
  • Bonus #6 Business Continuity Management Policy & Guidelines Template