Why Tabletop Exercises Are a Must for Your Business Continuity Strategy

Tabletop exercises are critical to prepare businesses for crises. They involve team leaders rehearsing disaster scenarios to improve crisis handling, communication, and uncover gaps in plans. A step-by-step guide includes setting objectives, crafting realistic scenarios, involving key personnel, facilitating discussions, and reviewing feedback. Regular exercises enhance preparedness and business resilience.

Using ChatGPT to Enhance Your Business Continuity Planning

Business disruptions are inevitable, but a solid business continuity plan (BCP) can ensure your company isn’t part of the 25% that never recover post-disaster. This blog highlights how ChatGPT can assist in creating and enhancing a BCP by providing strategy frameworks, risk assessments, impact analyses, crisis communication drafts, and testing scenarios, making the planning process faster and more comprehensive.

When Does an Issue Become a Crisis?

In the world of business, issues arise every day. They’re part of the natural ebb and flow of operations—whether it’s a delayed shipment, a temporary IT glitch, or a staffing shortage, businesses are designed to handle these problems through established procedures and management structures. But sometimes, an issue escalates, crosses a critical threshold, and becomes something far more serious: a crisis.