The Rise of AI-Driven Software: A New Threat to Business Continuity

AI promises transformative changes for businesses, but most are unprepared for associated risks. Parallels are drawn to past issues with MS Access databases—critical yet poorly managed systems. To avoid similar problems with AI, companies must integrate AI under IT governance, document thoroughly, train staff broadly, develop AI-specific business continuity plans, and test recovery protocols.

What Are the Key Components of an Effective Business Continuity Plan?

Nearly two-thirds of businesses fail to recover from major disasters, but a strong Business Continuity Plan (BCP) can increase survival chances. Essential components include risk assessment, business continuity strategies, clear roles, a communication plan, data backup, and continuous improvement. Effective preparation and tailored plans can safeguard company operations and reputation.

Mastering Risk: How to Conduct an Effective Threat and Risk Assessment

In today’s unpredictable business environment, organizations must proactively identify and mitigate risks to ensure resilience. A Threat and Risk Assessment (TRA) is essential for effective risk management and business continuity. Our comprehensive TRA template simplifies this process, offering structured threat identification, risk analysis, and mitigation strategies, making it a valuable tool for businesses of all sizes.